Professional Writer, Script Writer, Author, Web Series Writer, Short Film Writer, Feature film Writer, Biography Writer, Article Writer.

I am Rajiv Sinha, a Professional Hindi Writer from Delhi. Contact me for script order. I write for clients.
I write the Story & Script of Hindi Feature Film / Short Film / Web Series / YouTube Videos, etc.
So, Producer, Director, Casting Director, YouTuber and Makers can contact for Story / Script Writing Work / Project.
I also write the memoir (biography) for the client. So any person who wants to become famous through his or her biography can contact me. I only write Hindi biographies.
I write Hindi Articles for website / media, etc.

I write the captivating scripts of TV Ads, related video of the products to do promote.
I write documentary (film) Script also like Personal documentary film / Historical documentary film / Cultural documentary film / Special purpose documentary film.
I am also interested in writing topics related to Sanatan Dharm / Hinduism.
Rajiv Sinha
Mo. 08882328898
Contact : contact@smrititak.com
Screenwriters Association (SWA), Mumbai Membership No: 59004
Website : www.smrititak.com